First Name
Last Name
Desired Release Date
What is your desired release date? (Keep in mind, the book editing and formatting process will generally take 2-3 months.)
Book Title and Subtitle
Book Editing Services
1. Proofreading Only ($4 per page) *Proofreading for spelling and grammatical errors.
2. Copy and Content Editing ($10 per page) *Proofreading for spelling, grammatical errors, and making modifications in writing to ensure the author has made his or her point effectively, accurately, and clearly.
Option 1 - Proofreading Only ($4 per page)
Option 2 - Copy and Content Editing ($10 per page)
Book Interior Formatting
*Preparing the book for final publishing upload with title page, copyright page, and typesetting for desired book size and font choice.
Formatting with Copy and Content Editing Package ($3 per page)
Formatting with Proofreading Only ($6 per page)
No interior formatting, thank you!
Let's talk about publishing.
Which publishing route would you like to take?
Self-Publishing - Amazon Sales (with Kindle Direct Publishing)
Self-Publishing - I have a Local Printer (for personal distribution)
Traditional Publishing (I will contact a publishing house)
I don't know. I need help understanding which option is best for me.
I already have a publisher and don't need help with this.
Need additional services?
Check the items you would like assistance with. (These items are not included in the Ghostwriting Package.)
Book Cover Design (Front Cover, Spine, and Back)
Logo Design
Social Media Promotion
Questions? Comments?
Ask below and I'll get back to you shortly!
Thank you! I’ll look through this form and get back with you soon.
In the meantime, you can visit my Work with Amy page for more information on upcoming writer's retreats, workshops, and luncheons.
I look forward to helping you with your project!
- Amy