What I learned about love from those two guys at the Apple Store

“By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.” — Socrates (as quoted by Jimmy, the love expert at the Apple Store). I rushed into the Apple Store today with a broken laptop under my arm and a room temperature coffee in my hand... 

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Honoring Liz's Legacy

I woke up this morning to a loud, BOOM. Thunder. 5:33am. I vaguely remember that I was supposed to leave my house at 5:30am for the race. Not a great sign. I had several missed calls and texts asking where I was. I quickly jumped out of bed and laughed at my hair in the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Well, this is just as good as it gets. Today would be a good day, no matter what. Today was the day I would honor the legacy of one of my dearest friends by running 4.11 miles to raise awareness for the eradication of human trafficking across the globe.

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